Sedation Dentistry – Fort Worth, TX

Feel At-Ease During Every Dental Appointment

Woman relaxing during sedation dentistry visit

Don’t let fear keep you from getting the care you need for a strong, healthy smile. With modern sedation dentistry in Fort Worth, TX, Dr. Cheng, Dr. Thorburn, Dr. Luk, and Dr. Cox can alleviate your anxiety for a calm, relaxing dental experience. We are proud to offer a variety of dental sedation options to help a wide variety of patients. Plus, with our state-of-the-art Solea Laser, your dental treatments will be more comfortable than ever. Are you ready to feel at-ease during every dental appointment? Get the care you need from a dental office you can trust. Call Fort Dental today to schedule your sedation dentistry appointment with our dentists. Our Fort Worth dental office is conveniently located for our patients in Burleson, Crowley, Granbury, and surrounding areas.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Blonde woman leaning back in dental chair and relaxing

Oral conscious sedation is relatively simple. All you need to do is swallow a pill at a certain point before your procedure. Once the sedative takes effect, you will enter a highly relaxed state, allowing you to stay calm and comfortable during your treatment. Here is a quick look at what exactly oral conscious sedation is, how it works, and why it may be a good option for you during your next visit to our office.

What is Oral Conscious Sedation?

Man sitting in dental chair with hands folded

Oral conscious sedation involves the use of medication in order to help patients soothe their dental fears. It is not meant to put you to sleep; it can make you groggy, but if you happen to doze off, a gentle nudge will typically be enough to wake you up. You will remain awake for your treatment, allowing our team to give you any necessary instructions. That being said, time will seem to pass faster than normal, and you’ll find yourself not caring about your surroundings.

How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work? 

Woman leaning back in an orange dental chair

We will confirm your candidacy for oral conscious sedation, then provide you with the prescribed medication. You will be given instructions about when to take the medication; oftentimes, you’ll need to ingest it roughly two hours before your treatment is scheduled to begin.

You will need to have a trusted friend or family member drive you to our office. Once you have arrived and have gotten settled in the dental chair, our team will closely monitor you and take whatever steps are required to help you stay comfortable.

One thing to note about oral conscious sedation is that it can take a few hours for the effects to completely wear off. As such, someone else will need to drive you home. It’s best to plan to spend the remainder of the day resting following a procedure where oral conscious sedation was used.

Are You a Good Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?

Male dental patient giving a thumbs up

One of the biggest reasons to have oral conscious sedation performed is dental anxiety. Are you often afraid or nervous when it comes to visiting the dentist? If so, oral conscious sedation may be the key to putting your fears to rest.

However, anxiety is not the only reason to consider oral conscious sedation. There are plenty of other circumstances where it can prove to be helpful:

  • You have an unusually strong gag reflex that can make it challenging to have dental work performed.
  • You typically have a hard time sitting still for extended periods.
  • You require an especially long dental treatment or are planning to have multiple treatments performed over the course of a single visit.
  • Your mouth is not easily numbed with local anesthesia.

No matter the reason why you’re interested in oral conscious sedation, our team is here to answer any questions you might have about it and help you reach the decision that’s best for you.

IV Sedation

sedation in Fort Worth (Intro Paragraph IMAGE)

IV sedation in Forth Worth is a common method of treatment that is designed to help patients who experience extreme dental anxiety feel more at ease. Although it does require needles, which can be difficult for some, our team aims to make the process as painless and easy as possible so that treatment can be provided. When inquiring about IV sedation, we will go over your oral and medical health history so that proper steps are taken to ensure your safety and comfort.

What is IV Sedation?

bag in Fort Worth

IV dental sedation is the most powerful form of sedation dentistry. This option is administered via a small needle in the arm or the back of the hand. Within just a few moments, you’ll feel as if you’ve fallen asleep. However, contrary to what you feel, you will remain conscious enough to respond to basic instructions from our dental team. Many patients report feeling as if time sped up or they were in a dreamlike state.

We will keep a close eye on your vital signs throughout your treatment, and we can adjust your level of sedation for your safety and comfort at any time if necessary. We can often perform very long or complex dental services with the help of IV sedation. Once your treatment is over, we will remove the needle and monitor you for a little while. Then, a friend or family member will need to drive you home, where you should plan on relaxing for the remainder of the day.

Who is a Good Candidate for IV Sedation?

bag in Fort Worth

If you’re unsure whether you might be a good candidate for IV sedation, the best course of action is to call and schedule an appointment with a member of our team. We will go over important information to determine if you might be taking any medications or have certain conditions that might hinder the success of your treatment. However, if you suffer from any of the following, we can consider IV sedation:

  • You struggle with a sensitive gag reflex
  • You have extreme dental anxiety that is keeping you from seeing a dentist and getting the treatment you need
  • You’re preparing to undergo multiple, complex procedures
  • You have experienced no success with other types of sedation

The Benefits of IV Sedation

Woman before IV sedation in Fort Worth

Any dentist will tell you that simply seeking dental sedation is a great first step to taking proper care of your oral and overall health. Allowing fear to take over and keep you out of a dentist’s office will only lead to serious problems that require additional time and money to fix.

When it comes to choosing IV sedation, though, you can expect there to be several benefits, including:

  • Reduced symptoms associated with your dental problem, allowing for better oral health in the future
  • The ability to undergo treatment without the fear of the procedure remaining present throughout your visit
  • A trusted team of professionals who will closely monitor you throughout your appointment to ensure your safety and comfort
  • Medication that works quickly to help you feel more at ease
  • The inability to recall much of your appointment if any

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Candidate for sedation dentistry in Fort Worth giving a thumbs up

Sedation dentistry is a versatile service that nearly any patient can benefit from. We may recommend oral conscious sedation or IV sedation if you:

  • Have mild to moderate dental anxiety
  • Can’t sit comfortably in the dental chair for extended periods
  • Suffer from neck, jaw, shoulder, or back pain while in the dental chair
  • Are somewhat resistant to numbing medications alone
  • Have an overactive gag reflex or very sensitive teeth
  • Are planning on undergoing a long or complex procedure

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Woman receiving dental sedation in Fort Worth

At Fort Dental, our sedation solutions make it possible to approach dental care with greater ease. Whether it is oral conscious sedation or IV sedation, we understand that you’re likely to have many questions, and you'll find answers to a few of the most common ones below.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes, for most patients, sedation dentistry is completely safe. Taking medication orally or receiving it through an IV poses no significant risk; however, they are not always ideal choices for all patients. Certain medications can negatively interact with these sedation methods, resulting in serious problems if left undisclosed before a procedure. This is why you will be unable to receive any type of sedation before treatment unless you schedule a consultation with a member of our team.

We will go over your medical history to determine if there might be any conditions you suffer from that oral conscious or IV sedation should not be used. An example of this might be respiratory disease. We want to ensure your safety throughout your procedure, so if you are cleared to receive sedation, you can trust that we will monitor you throughout your appointment.

It is possible to get sick when receiving dental sedation?

Oral conscious and IV sedation are known to be stronger forms of treatment, which means that their side effects can include nausea. Although it is rare, it is still a possibility that you may feel sick to your stomach after your procedure. This is why our team will recommend that you avoid eating anything for several hours leading up to your appointment. Doing so will help to reduce the chances of feeling sick once your procedure is complete.

Will I remember anything with dental sedation?

When receiving oral conscious or IV sedation, you will likely remember very little, which can be a positive aspect, especially if you do not like visiting the dentist’s office.

You will not be fully sedated or “knocked out” for treatment but instead be able to respond to cues from our team. Even this slight consciousness will not cause you to feel bothered by what is going on around you.

What are the common side effects of sedation dentistry?

While dental sedation, in general, is safe, a thorough consultation with our dental team must first be conducted. This will ensure that any medications you are currently taking, or health conditions do not interfere with the safety and effectiveness of the sedation. When it comes to oral conscious sedation or IV sedation, there are a few side effects that can occur, such as headaches, nausea, or general grogginess.