August 19, 2020

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dentist! Two Ways to Overcome Dental Anxieties

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_cheng @ 12:53 am

Feeling some level of fear when the time comes for your next dental appointment is completely normal. However, you shouldn’t let your anxieties control you to the point where you start skipping your visits altogether; that’s practically inviting tooth decay and gum disease to start developing! Thus, if you find yourself at the point where your dental anxiety might stop you from getting the care you need, you should ask your dentist for help. In this post, you’ll learn about two highly effective solutions for dental fears that have helped many a frightened patient stay calm and collected.


August 17, 2020

What Should You Do if You Snore?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_cheng @ 7:10 pm
Older man snoring, woman covering her ears

Has your spouse or partner been complaining about you snoring? Obviously, keeping them up at night can put a strain on your relationship, but what you might not have considered is that they may not even be the only one suffering. People who frequently snore could have a disorder called obstructive sleep apnea that is preventing them from getting a good night’s rest – and in the worst case scenario, it might even lead to life-threatening heart problems. Read on to learn more about the dangers that could be linked to snoring as well as why you might need sleep apnea therapy in the near future.
