May 23, 2019

Why It’s Important to See Your Dentist before 2019 Gets Any Older

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_cheng @ 7:58 am

Young family smilingTime has a way of flying by, doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday we were opening presents, drinking eggnog, and looking forward to the end of 2018. Now we’re planting our spring gardens, planning summer getaways, and taking our warm weather clothing out of storage. Before we know it, we’ll be carving jack-o’-lanterns and preparing turkey dinners. This means it’s more important than ever to see your dentist soon. Otherwise you may miss out on the benefits of dental insurance.


Is Laser Dentistry Painful? What You Need to Know

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_cheng @ 3:01 am

Cosmetic dentists at Fort Dental in Fort Worth enhance smiles with amazing aesthetic services. Learn about teeth whitening and Invisalign aligners.Laser dentistry is one of the most exciting treatment innovations to come along in a very long time. Lasers make regular dental procedures such as fillings, crowns, and cosmetic work both more effective and more comfortable for the patient. Let’s look at some ways that lasers are transforming the way dentistry gets done in the modern world.
