November 25, 2022

A Complete Smile: The Entire Denture Process

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_cheng @ 1:34 am
a woman at the dentist smiling at her dentures in mirror

Missing teeth affect more than just your appearance. Like many people, your missing teeth may make certain foods hard to eat, too. That is why you are so excited to be filling in the gaps of your smile with dentures! But when can you expect your dazzling smile to be complete? Read on to learn about the full denture process.


November 4, 2022

Are You a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_cheng @ 12:47 am
woman undergoing sedation therapy

In general, most people don’t enjoy going to the dentist. This can lead to procrastinating attending appointments or sometimes not even going altogether. But luckily there is a solution—dental sedation! Read on to learn five reasons that it could be right for you.
